Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Well I had all the intentions to blog yesterday but my body said no way!! But, it was actually a good no way.....what I mean is that I was just worn out from going and going! Started my day out doing an ab class then an hour of yoga! Yes, I know I should have stopped there but no not me...I went shopping with my 17 year old!!! She is starting her freshman year of college and has to look good!!! (today we are going to do more of the same)
We got home about 5:30 and I was asleep by 6:30 and was up at 7:45. My awesome husband woke me by saying, supper is ready!! Another reason, I love him!!!
The day was pretty good except for my legs and feet hurting........they did really really good up until about 3ish. The really bad part is that I have a toothache!! It was bound to happen. I have a tooth that is 1/2 gone. Of course, my teeth have gotten so bad since my Fibro. My medical insurance should cover this since my teeth have gotten worse, I feel due to my Fibro. I mean in the past year or so, my teeth have gone from not bad to very very bad!!! My gums are awful!!!
My fantastic husband made me a dentist app. for tomorrow. Do I want to go? Yes. Can we afford it??? No!!! It is a tooth that cannot just be pulled and left. It is a visible tooth when I talk or smile.......I am feeling nauseous about going because of the money. I know it is going to be a root canal, new tooth and then on to the many other problems.......
Oops, just saw the time, gotta go and will be back tonight.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good going to the gym and to be able to do it Alexx is that much better. Looks like the 2 of you are having a great time.

    Good job Jim on fixing dinner! Whoo Hoo.

    Good luck with your tooth....I will pray for it to be a VERY small financial burden.

    Keep blogging....we'll keep reading. Thanks for sharing your journey, the good and bad days.

    I love you girl!
