Thursday, March 11, 2010


There is no way you can not tell me that the weather does not affect my fibro/cfs and everything else that goes with it!!!! My sore scratchy throat, shingles on my arm, very tired, achy all over, just want to sleep...
This past week has been beautiful, warm and sunny and my body felt pretty good. Yesterday it started getting cloudy and I could tell a difference as soon as I saw the first cloud....
this morning with the rain, I am back to feeling bad. Right now I am laying here trying to figure out if I am getting a shingles out break on my other arm....

Good night....

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that what make Fibros hurt with such changes in the weather is actually caused by a change in barometric pressure. When the barometer rises or falls, due to an approaching weather system, it causes sudden changes in the amount of fluid in the tissues (and maybe joints, too). That puts pressure in places (cells, nerves, blood vessels, muscle fibers, etc.) that are sensitive due to ongoing illness. Increase pressures = renewed pain. It makes sense to me. There's more- I'll blog about this next week & come up with some more goodies. Would love to have you check in at the Health Matters Show! Here's hoping you feel better really, really soon... Cinda Crawford
