Thursday, September 3, 2009

Started out as a great morning! Actually out of bed by 9:00 and doing stuff around the house. Beautiful weather.... took Maggie for a walk. She did great at first but about 1/2 way, she decided she wanted to lay down and rest. So we rested for a few then continued. We walked then again she decided she wanted to rest, so we rested! She did really good though, I was very proud of her. Tonight when we walk her, we will see how she does!!!! We are building up her leg/knee and working on getting her girlish figure back. Like mama..........
I went to the Y and did my work out. I so sweat ed up a storm this time, it was a hard class. My feet were on fire, my ankles hurt!
Left the Y did 2 errands, came home and crashed!! My body did a complete burn out!! Woke up at 5:30......every bone ached in my body.
Getting ready for ball game and my feet are hurting on a scale of 1 - 10 an 8!!!! What is up with my feet!!!! My upper body if a 6.......I think I am the definition of....when the going gets tough, the tough get going!! Many days I don't want to go but I do!!!

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