Friday, July 29, 2011

short and sweet

My fatigue is just as bad as my pain......!!!!!!!


  1. I so understand that! I hope things are going a little better.

  2. My fibromyalgia started many years ago and I didn't know it. I always complained "my skin hurts". The only way I could describe it was it felt like I was sunburned and the slightest touch would hurt. At the same time, I had terrible problems staying asleep. I woke up every hour. I even wrote down the times I woke up one night to give to my doctor. They put me on Trazodone and it works pretty good most nights. Then about 5 years I had an adverse side affect to Simvastatin where it caused severe muscle pain. I truly believe that's what started my fibromyalgia. First it was in my neck, right shoulder and armpit area. I put heat on it until I was burned and ice on it until I was frostbitten but nothing worked. My doctor did about every test imaginable including EMG, and MRI. Finally I was referred to a rheumatologist and was "officially" diagnosed. I took Nurontin (3600mg daily) and Effexor XR for about a year and all that did was make me gain 60lbs. Now I'm on Lyrica, and still on Effexor. At first the Lyrica seemed like it worked but now it just takes the edge off. I just asked my doctor about Topamax which a relative takes for chronic pain and she's looking into it. In the meantime, I just sit on the porch in the middle of the night when nobody's around and cry because I'm so tired of the pain.

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